Thank you for considering a gift to Reach A Village! To donate by mail, please click here to download a form.
Mailed donations should be made payable to "Reach A Village" and mailed to: Reach A Village PO Box 577, Park Forest, IL 60466
If you would like to give through Paypal, click here and then click the "Donate With Paypal" button in the right gray sidebar.
We can also accept donations through Zelle, which has no processing fees. If you'd like to give through Zelle, please direct your gift to
"giving@reachavillage.org". Let us know in the special instructions if you have a designation for your gift.
Our toll-free numbers is
We are fully committed to transparency and proper financial oversight. Approximately 86 percent of funds received in 2023 went directly to international
ministry programs. Reach A Village is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and your gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
We appreciate your partnership to reach villages with the Gospel. Thank you for being a part of God's global vision to fulfill the Great Commission!